
Bad Medicine

When guns can never be the problem the subject will be changed to anything else.

Steve M. runs down Ben Carson's lunatic statements, from "I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away," to his suggestion that kindergarten teachers be armed.

Insane these may be, but proclaiming them is mere SOP for GOP vote-getting.

Another change of subject, from real to paranoid fantasy: the narrative that the latest school shooter was out to persecute Christians.

With this perfect marketing move...

... He looked ever so pleased with himself. The Noise Machine was pleased, too, using the photo op to boost Carson's popularity.

Next up: gun control enabled the Holocaust. Even if the usual media had never before deigned to take note, Carson was simply parroting established right-wing mythology.

After the bravado of Carson's fantasy heroism ("I would not just stand there and let him shoot me"), this was particularly telling—
In an interview with Urban View host Karen Hunter Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson recounted a story about being held up at gunpoint at a Popeyes.

"Guy comes in, puts the gun to my ribs and I just said, 'I believe that you want the guy behind the counter,'" Carson recalled.
Sociopaths of a feather... Carson's self-satisfaction reminiscent of nothing so much as Mitt Romney's citing Seamus on the car roof as proof of his executive ability.

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