
The Only Amendment That Matters

Just over a month ago, the year to date reckoning was an average of one mass shooting a day.

Figure in the October 1 body count.

Charles Pierce...

After this new massacre, one couldn't exactly say "nothing will happen". Certainly nothing constructive, just the inevitable: that in the days following the classroom rampage GOP candidates would hop anew on the gun-love bandwagon. It's been a big winner for Trump and for Carson.

As Digby writes in Salon, "... the extremist strategies of the NRA have overtaken Republican politics"
... the recent emergence of the Tea Party right and the intransigent "Freedom Caucus"in the House evinces an anarchistic spirit that even Gingrich couldn't have imagined. (And he has quite an imagination.) No this slash-and-burn style was modeled elsewhere, by an ultra-successful right-wing institution which continues to flex its muscle today: the NRA.

The NRA had once been a sportsman and safety organization, which took a turn toward the political back in the '70s, just as the conservative movement was gaining steam. By the '90s it had transformed itself into a potent political institution which perversely thrived when it was attacked, and built its clout by never giving an inch. Ever.

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