

Connecticut WPA/Federal Theater Project
Artist: Unknown
Library of Congress
It was shocking and so very sad to read this week that "Jon Swift" had died on 2/27: in surgery, after suffering aneurisms while traveling to his father's funeral.

His mother posted the news in the comments page of the last Jon Swift post. Despite the awful circumstances, the real Al Weisel's mother was able to write a celebration of the life he had lived in his 46 years.

Weisel's professional work is here.

Skippy compiled tributes from all over The Internets.

A lot of people remarked that conservative readers often took Jon Swift posts at face value. It just shows the subtlety of a writer whose straight-faced taglines were, "I am a reasonable conservative who likes to write about politics and culture. Since the media is biased I get all my news from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Jay Leno monologues."

Swift's targets were very well-chosen. Michael Ledeen and Jonah Goldberg remain with us, but Al Weisel left classic examples of taking aim at them and landing comic bulls-eyes.

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