
March: Onward, To Something Sort Of About Health…

Chicago: WPA Federal Art Project, [between 1936 and 1939]
Artist: Unknown
Library of Congress
The non-terrorists [ = white guys], including those on the government dole, have been busy.

With this, outside Congressional offices.
There were plenty of acts committed less publicly, like this, this, and more.

Besides GOP operations continuing to encourage violence, it naturally didn't take long to get a Republican claim of greater victimhood [you only got a measly brick; my office was shot up...]

Equally expected: police deem incident "random gunfire." Alternative expectation would have been to learn this was staged by College Republicans.

As always, says the Party of Responsibility, any threats of violence are the Democrats' fault—in this case, for enacting legislation.

It's only a matter of time before there's serious violence by the unhinged who are being stirred up by the Rethugs. Yet, MoveOn is a bunch of wild-eyed radicals Democratics are willing to attack. And just this week, ACORN announced closure of all offices, in the wake of successful Rethug persecution.

At least Sadly, No had weeks of fun with the right-wing memes, particularly of the "Obama is thrusting his massive package down our throats" kind. Lots of funny, like this. And good take on the "death panels" theme.

While it was great to see the Thugs lose one, there's this.

And this seems on target.

I'm trying to be in the camp that says this is a foot in the door—this "Health Care Reform" that morphed into, as Obama is careful to say, "Health Insurance Reform"... which appears to give the insurers everything they wanted.

This comment is very interesting, and I hope, will also be a foot in the door. It reflects a tiny sample of people, yet it shows some workplace wingnuts—
in favor of the bill passing – after the fact, of course. It's the old "Americans love a winner" effect at work, plus the "26-year old child can get coverage" plank that sold them.

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