
March WPA Calendar

WPA/Federal Art Project [NY]
Artist: Richard Halls
Library of Congress
A page from the days when FDR chatted by the fireside—to get around the right-wing media of his era.

Now—the White House stages bi-partisan media events.

The respectable media get the chance to portray both parties as—in digby's words—"equally earnest"... In this case, about healthcare reform.

And digby catches this reaction to Rep. Louise Slaughter's constituent who couldn't afford to have dentures fitted—so wore her deceased sister's. The multi-millionaires' message to their followers—
"If you don't have any teeth, so what? What's applesauce for?"

"I've read the Constitution ... I didn't see that you had a right to teeth"
HTML Mencken at Sadly, No catches more yuks on the subject, from some other recipients of right-wing largesse.

And the previous administration still populates the TV screen.

With their boasting of war crimes.

And their spawn set up with their own pundit gigs.

Harry Shearer has a surprising behind-the-scenes look at Cheney's PR campaign—and his "enhanced persuasion" techniques—on the 2-28 show (starting at 42:36).

It's grotesque beyond words I can muster, but Attaturk says it pithily, about our re-do of the '30s...

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