
A Gift For All Seasons

Mr. Charles P. Pierce: not only is he blogging regularly as of late, but he seems to be doing it quite continuously.

This—on Scott Walker and the Wisconsin recall drive—really needs to be read in whole, not quoted.

...But it's too hard to resist a sample; on December 2—
There were new rules in the state capitol that morning. There are new rules in the state capitol of Wisconsin on almost every morning these days. You see, ever since last winter, when Walker rammed through his assault on the state's public workers, touching off a general uprising all over the state, and a specific one outside on his front lawn, many of his fellow citizens have taken to expressing in imaginative ways how much of a walking pustulation they believe their governor is, both inside and outside the capitol building. So, in the interest of not being told to his face what a walking pustulation he is, Walker and his Department of Administration have concocted a veritable symphony of pettiness to drown out the noise....
And this, on Obama's pretty words in Kansas vs. the reality of the 99%—
...In the middle of his lucid exposition of how we of how we got into this mess — and, more important, who got us into this mess — Obama felt obligated to say...

"I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules. These aren't Democratic values or Republican values. These aren't 1% values or 99% values. They're American values."
Because, among all that's wrong with that picture, "The Republican party gave up on these 'values' the first time they let Arthur Laffer into their corridors of power without handing him a mop and a bucket," Pierce continues—
I regret to inform the president that these actions are necessary specifically because the Republicans — and, alas, too goddamn many Democrats — do not accept the fact that "this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules." I regret to inform the president that, up until recently, not enough Americans believed in those "American values" to get their sorry asses to the polls and elect enough people put those "American values" into action. The people most clearly doing the latter are the people doing it in the streets today.

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