
What To Tell The Children?

Baraboo, Wisconsin; pass the smelling salts—
...people with kids are driving by... little kids who are old enough to be able to read and might say, 'Mommy, what does that mean?' said Andrea Lombard, a Sauk County supervisor and first vice chairwoman of the Republican Party of Sauk County. "Well, how does Mommy explain that? I'm not sure."
For this bit of handwringing, Mr. Pierce has excellent advice—
"Actually, children, Mommy is a prominent local Republican and, therefore, Mommy is accessorial to the goggle-eyed Kochsucker in question. Mommy is part of the reason that nice Mrs. Pulaskiewicz isn't teaching you music any more and is now pumping gas in Pewaukee. Mommy should be placed in the stocks on the lawn of the state capitol in Madison with all the rest of them until the situation improves and the goggle-eyed Kochsucker in question is removed from the people's house and drop-kicked over the line into Illinois."

The thing about this picture that really should be noticed is exactly the one to which the Kochsucker and allies turn blind eyes: green grass in Wisconsin, at this time of year?

What to tell the children, indeed.

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