
Hard Work

Trying to keep up with anything, with the paucity of journalists willing to do their jobs.

Well, no news in that. But in a hyper insane current "news cycle," I'm feeling the extra daily frustration of hearing the early a.m. news bites and spin before getting to work, where there's little chance of a pause for keeping up with better sources.

From real to trumped up ("Benghazi! Benghazi! BENGHAZI!";" grifters denied gravy train"; umbrellagate)... And all that now or in the immediate future is thrown at the wall, "scandal" is the story line beloved by "the stakeholders of DC." Need one add? — When a Democrat is in office.

Full Tbogg quote about the DC media club: "They are the stakeholders of DC, and thus the world, and you're just living there and cluttering up the place."

Charles Pierce, "for the benefit of aging stenographers whose memories may be failing them": Nixon.

As digby says—
The president --- and the country --- is on notice: the Village is upset. They feel they've been ignored. And they will not be ignored.

Are these bubbling scandals the consequence of official malfeasance or ineptitude? Are they threats to the constitutional order, the result of executive overreach or something that affects the balance of power in the government? You will never know. In the Village nothing like that is ever important. They are there to give us the inside information on how the Villagers are feeling and what has offended their sensibilities so we will understand how our government really works. We will not be able to tell the difference between a real scandal and a trumped piece of partisan nonsense because they cannot tell the difference and they don't want to. And that works out very nicely for the permanent political establishment, doesn't it?
That's the beauty of how this works, no matter how tuned out most of the populace may be.

And it leaves ever so much space to bury or gloss over the Owners' real business, from the next round of budget hostage taking, to those little libertarian experiments in the Koch-owned states.

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