
You're OK

Where the record-breaking tornadoes come sweeping down the plains: Oklahoma is open for business as usual.

The full crew of climate change-denying government haters are ready to demand their FEMA bucks.

Silver lining? Dead schoolchildren were never forced to suffer such offense against the "culture" as storm shelter requirements.

And no emergency could have deterred state legislators from their public duty: holding a surreptitious vote to defund Planned Parenthood.

The gruesome images are ready-made for what our media finds newsworthy. Michael Shaw raises good points about the likeness of imagery in coverage of recent tragedies, and how that affects attention span.

Disaster coverage did provide at least one enjoyable media episode: Wolf talks to one of the Little People
...he is extremely condescending and constantly out of his depth. ...the tornado victim he was interviewing had the courage of her convictions and embarrassed the heck out of him.
Only one quibble: David Atkins' assumption that Blitzer (or any of his peers) is capable of embarrassment.

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