
Hurrying to Fall Behind

To think that weeks ago, I was trying to keep up with absurdities like the Thatcher funeral and the White House Press Correspondents' wallow.

Ancient times, news cycle-wise: before Boston, which soon faded into the scandal-ridden second Obama administration. Led by the monster who did not salute when boarding a Marine helicopter, thus failing to observe protocol invented by an actor who once played the Commander-in-Chief.

Steve M. makes good points about the ultra-right Republican ticket in Virginia, the "DC media's backyard." A wacko black minister is running for Lieutenant Governor—
... #2 on a ticket that, of course, will be topped by Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia's anti-gay, climate-change-denying attorney general, who's working hard to make abortion effectively illegal in the state.
"Hear no extremism, see no extremism," indeed.

A couple of other news notes.

Roy Edroso: right's selective outrage, "Risen v. Rosen."

"Fusion centers."

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