
A Page From Ye Olde Playbooke

Contemptible, but in no way new: the meme that ACA rollout problems are "Obama's Katrina."

Its shtick that in fact has been used throughout this presidency, as Steve M.'s "Canonical List of Obama's Katrinas" shows. Steve does a backward rundown of the punditry: from the ACA trope of today's NYT, to all previous "Katrinas" (from 5/17/13 back to 6/30/08)—
Check the date on that last one. I love it -- Obama is such a terrible president that he had his first Katrina even before he officially became his party's nominee.
Commenter Knight of Nothing added, "Good lord, I had blocked-out how absurdly high that number was. Apparently for some, in fact Katrina was Obama's first of twenty-four Katrinas."

In response to today's NYT piece Driftglass re-posted this 2005 piece. Written post-Katrina—the real one, that killed and displaced thousands of people—and meant now as a reminder to right-wing operatives and media stenographers alike
... of exactly what a bloody, murderous slog of pure hubris and anguish the Bush Regime really was.

It is certainly well past time to remind them that regardless of how many layers of whitewash they slather onto the Bush Administration to create a blank scrim against which they can project their paranoid fantasies and panic-peddling fairy tales about the Failed Obama Administration being as bad or, perhaps even Worse Than Booosh!...

...a few of us will never go along to get along and will never, ever agree to forget what life was really like under the ongoing, train-wreck of failure, ruin, hopelessness, corruption, treason, round-the-clock Liberal-bashing and utter, prostrate media-complicity that was the Bush Administration...

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