

Charles Pierce
Okay, poor bastard congresscritter gets busted for cocaine and becomes yet another casualty of our silly "war" on drugs. The traditional abject grovelling ensues.
"I'm profoundly sorry to let down my family, particularly my wife and son, and the people of Southwest Florida," Radel said. "I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice. "... This unfortunate event does have a positive side. It offers me an opportunity to seek treatment and counseling. I know I have a problem and will do whatever is necessary to overcome it, hopefully setting an example for others struggling with this disease."
... Okay, so far, go with god, congressman. Best of luck in your struggle. Except, yeah, you know what's coming, right?

Well, Rep. Radel was one of many House Republicans who voted for a bill that would allow states to require all recipients of welfare to be drug tested prior to receiving benefits.

On second thought, to hell with it.
A white guy? Question answers itself.

Tea Party guy? Check.

Commenter Casey Laughman adds—
No, see, it's totally different because the people who should be drug tested are only those whose income is funded by taxpayers. Wait. What?

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