

Because until now, insurance companies never baited and switched, or canceled policies...

But absurd sound-bites count. The corollary being that a Dem won't get away with a clumsy one; it matters not one whit that no actual human being ever before would have imagined "liking" their insurance.

As Roy Edroso put it—
...about the latest Obamacare outrage -- that some people had their old policies cancelled, an event that could not have been foreseen unless you had been paying attention to the news when the ACA was passed three and a half years ago or at any time since. I'm thinking they have these things on a rotation schedule -- next week, I'm told, Routine 12 will be that your new Obamacare plan will have fewer providers than the one you have now. The week after that, it'll be that the laminate will wear off your plan ID card more easily than your old one. Eventually, it'll be "Benghazi" and "skree."

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