
Picture Of Family Values

Tbogg: "A lot of Republicans who want to be president got their picture taken with a child molester."

Well, of course they wanted to be seen with the guy: the godless, liberal media had made stars of these creepy Dominionists.

From a screenshot
If a woman is raped, the rapist should be executed instead of the innocent unborn baby. Adoption is an option. Many couples would love to adopt and are waiting for a baby. Abortion has been and always will be the destruction of an innocent child. Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes.
"Death penalty for thee, not me," adds Digby. That position statement is "from Jim Bob's 2002 Senate campaign website. He was running for office as his son Josh was molesting his sisters in their sleep." And subsequently, engineering a coverup.

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