
Plumbing New Depths

There's no need for FBI entrapment of hapless would-be jihadists—not when the setting up is so easily privatized.

Even if the media choose to ignore it, the gist is as tengrain says—
... anti-Islam agent-provocateur Pam Geller set up an event that was ensured to get a negative reaction (a Muhammad Cartoon Contest, in Texas no less) and it got a negative reaction: two (allegedly muslim) gunmen (killed) and a security guard (injured) in an attack on the event. The 70 or so attendees at this free-speech hate-a-palooza were escorted by the police to a secure site after the attack, and sang God Bless America....

Steve M. says, "In the future, if she's being honest, Pam Geller will acknowledge that yesterday was the best day of her life..."

Well, Geller and Anders Brevik seem to be long-time mutual admirers, and her blood thirstiness is on the record. She has the right of free speech; as a right-wing loon, she also will be allowed the right to pour gasoline on a fire.

So this certainly is "two notches for Pamela Geller," as tengrain puts it.

Though Big Bad Bald Bastard suggests amending that, to—
Two and a half notches- the poor working stiff who got shot by the jihad assholes was just trying to earn a day's pay in a bad economy. He was just "collateral damage" in Pammie's existential war.

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