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Dennis Hastert indicted for lying to Feds over blackmail for "Decades-Old Sexual Abuse."

Best part of NYT story—
...the indictment said Mr. Hastert denied to the F.B.I. that he was making payments to the individual, saying he withdrew the cash because he no longer trusted the banking system.
Who would better know how vulnerable our institutions are, than someone intimately involved in undermining them for political and financial gain.

This, and the fact that Hastert had so much money to pay in extortion are items of interest, at least to me, Clever Sister, and other noticers.

Among comments at Charles Pierce's blog
Dave Wing ...·
... He was never an honorable man. He went from being a high school teacher and wrestling coach to being worth many millions of dollars, all while supposedly being engaged in public service. Among the things that he did was sneak a provision in to a Defense Appropriations bill granting immunity to vaccine makers for injuries or deaths caused by their drugs. He was also instrumental in preventing Medicare from being allowed to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries. I feel sad for the people who suffered and continue to suffer because of the things that Denny Hastert did.


John Kelly ...
Hastert's land became lots more valuable when a new cloverleaf providing direct access to the property got federal money courtesy of a bill introduced by -guess who ? D.H !

John Kahler ...
If convicted, he might have a good case on appeal. After all, as shepherd of the "patriot" act, he'd be a good witness to explain the unconstitutionality of the law.

Faith Biggs King ...
Not for nothing, but whistleblower Sibel Edmonds had quite a bit to say a few years ago about Hastert's illegal dealings with agents of the Turkish government. There was probably a celebrity White House press corp function happening in town some night that month, so, really, why investigate? Shiny object!
John Robinson ...
It's funny how when the Turks blatantly bribed Hastert (and by extension, the US House of Representatives), it was largely ignored by the same US media that is presently shrieking and running around in circles over vague 'improprieties' by the Clinton Foundation. Why, it's almost like the Republicans get to use the Special Rules...

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