
Going With Tradition

Trump adviser Joseph Schmitz had anti-Semitic history at Defense Department. The quotes obtained by McClatchy are doozeys—
"His summary of his tenure's achievement reported as '... I fired the Jews,'" wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general's office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.


"In [Schmitz's] final days [as inspector general], he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews," wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).
Schmitz comes by this as a birthright; his father was notorious as national director of the John Birch Society; Orange County Congressman; and one-time presidential candidate (he replaced George Wallace on the American Independent Party ticket, after the assassination attempt on Wallace). His political career was ended in a sex scandal that included child abuse accusations against the woman whose child he fathered (and refused to support).

Pretty much an equal opportunity bigot, though Jews came in for special attention; links and quotes from Schmitz père in Steve M.'s post.

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