
Today In Fox News Candidacy

In his mind: not floundering, as he again overhauls staff. As Steve M. says here
I think Trump believes he's finally righting the ship. Campaigning the way he wants to campaign has to work, because he's masterminded "a flawless campaign" (his words) -- or at least it was flawless until people who had doubts about his genius instincts began to meddle.

... Trump has spent years imbibing the right-wing media message that "real Americans" are all angry white Fox viewers, and that white liberals, white moderates, and non-whites who are skeptical of wingnuttery either don't exist or are undocumented aliens or only show up in electoral vote totals becaue of voter fraud. In this view, there's no difference between the Republican primary electorate and the general electorate -- those folks are "taking their country back," and everyone who's not them took possession of the country through evil subterfuge.

When this doesn't work, I don't know how Trump's going to explain it -- media bias, probably, or Clinton subterfuge....

It can't be his fault. Dammit, he should be winning. He really believes that -- still.
The predictable corollary: the GOP will be be allowed to wash its hands of the loss. Steve again, here, on why Republicans will succeed at pretending pretend Trump was never one of them.

Even as the base will have been driven to a new frenzy by Fox and the rest, and will be ready to explode over the newest and yooogest Dolchstoßlegende.

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