
They Asked For It; Every Last One Of Them

Via Shakezula: Roger Stone makes a new promise on Trump's behalf—
Donald Trump has made it pretty clear that if he is elected president he will seek the prosecution of Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea – that they would do anything necessary to remain in power.
Chelsea's power? That appears to be the invitation to her wedding not offered to Trump.

Shakezula: "And he vowed that he would one day run for president and have every member of the family thrown in prison ... Never mind, that's too much like a coherent plan." That's funny, yet viewing Trump's campaign as a "coherent plan" may be apt, at least in psychological terms.

I just saw this, which was posted last month. It makes a lot of sense, this explanation of Trump's entire career as self-creation in service to revenge against "insiders" who've snubbed him. Two years before the start of the pilot, The Apprentice - POTUS, McKay Coppins wrote a profile of Trump predicting he wouldn't run; during the GOP primary, the author became the target of a Trump tirade. Now, Coppins finds—
... What had most struck me during my two days with Trump was his sad struggle to extract even an ounce of respect from a political establishment that plainly viewed him as a sideshow. But what I didn't realize at the time was that he'd felt this way for virtually his entire life — face pressed up against the window, longing for an invitation, burning with resentment, plotting his revenge.

I had landed on a long and esteemed list of haters and losers — spanning decades, stretching from Wharton to Wall Street to the Oval Office — who have ridiculed him, rejected him, dismissed him, mocked him, sneered at him, humiliated him — and, now, propelled him all the way to the Republican presidential nomination, with just one hater left standing between him and the nuclear launch codes.

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