

This should have Trump's fans cheering: Mexican man jumps off bridge, kills himself 30 minutes after getting deported from U.S.

Guadalupe Olivas Valencia, 45, jumped from a bridge at the border after he was deported for the third time.

He was found unconscious next to a plastic bag with his belongings and died in hospital a short while later.

Mr Olivas was a native of Sinaloa, one of Mexico's most violent states and the stronghold of a major drug cartel.

Many Mexicans cite violence as a reason for leaving for the US.
And; suspects being sought...


Still Black History Month

A week to go, in fact. When not ignoring the calendar, the White House stirred itself enough to come out with bizarre and insulting remarks, a time or two.

Make that three.

Also, Plan B's contribution.

With such heroes to guide them, why shouldn't more of Trumpamerica join in...


Security Breach For Thee, Not He


End Quote

tengrain: "The trouble with the Internet is that you cannot believe everything you read." – Abraham Lincoln
..."According to Quote Investigator, a website that tracks the source of quotes, there is no evidence Lincoln uttered this phrase. The website traced the quote back, not to Lincoln, but to a 1947 book advertisement about aging by Dr. Edward Stieglitz."
What, this doesn't seem like Lincoln's rhetorical style? More like an ad slogan?

And wishing him "Happy Birthday"... He would have lived longer, if it hadn't been for someone ideologically aligned with the 21st century GOP.

On the other hand... Reagan; now there's a Republican who went big for this kind of faux wisdom. And surely would have believed he thought of it himself.


Week Three

And it feels like a mere decade.

Last night was eventful. From the Ninth Circuit's decision...

...To new evidence that Flynn (and Pence) are lying, when they deny what nine sources confirmed to the WaPo
National security adviser Michael Flynn privately discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country's ambassador to the United States during the month before President Trump took office, contrary to public assertions by Trump officials, current and former U.S. officials said.
Utahans were busy last night, too.



Heartening, though I felt confident that these judges were people who (like the majority) still believe in rule of law.

Though you have to wonder whether they'll install Gorsuch tonight, to have the full kangaroo court ready by morning.


Carrot And Carrot

Pat Bagley: "Reason Trump is most despised person in America is only because Jason Chaffetz lacks name recognition"

Last week, smacked down by Utahans, over attempted fire sale of public lands. Yesterday was the alt move
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), met with President Donald Trump for the first time Tuesday and instead of asking the president to release his tax returns or address his glaring conflicts of interest, Chaffetz asked that the White House defy existing law to undo protections for a national monument in Utah.

After the meeting, Chaffetz told reporters that Trump made it clear there would be "no oversight talk" during their conversation. Although Democrats on the committee have called for an investigation into Trump's business dealings, Chaffetz instead took the opportunity to bring up his opposition to the Bears Ears national monument in Utah "as subject number one."
Of course, "no oversight talk" yesterday; or ever.

Chaffetz sure has latched onto an easy gig. Nor only does he have no oversight to do... (uh, make that: no longer has oversight to do)...
Pat Bagley

This also can't have required any real effort—not this particular pitch. It's a Deal after Trump's heart, with all that land is just sitting there, waiting to be grabbed. And soon, three weeks will be up, and there's an action of Obama's still waiting to be undone.


Work, Work, Work

Well, this got some attention...

But: busy...

And, this was completely convincing...

In the end, an executive must stick to his priorities.


At Home And Abroad

Just two weeks in... Fintan O'Toole in The Irish Times, Welcome to Trumperica: Donald Trump's chaotic signing of grandiose orders has the air of a deluded despot's last days, not his first

Digby, on alienating Australians, and pretty much everyone else: It's Trump's hands against the world
He doesn't need no stinkin' allies. He's going to make the military so yuge and so strong that nobody will ever mess with us. We run this planet and the rest of these little wannabe countries had better understand it right quick.

That's what Trump was selling folks, not isolationism. ... just like his followers he's a selfish, bastard who doesn't understand that there's such a thing as win-win. The world is zero sum to these people --- America, white people, Trump voters are on top. Everyone else can crawl for scraps. But they have nothing to say about it.
It's not just refugees that are targets of fuhrer-loving airport rent-a-cops: Norwegian former PM was detained for questioning, over a 2014 trip to Iran seen in his diplomatic passport.

Digby, two days ago ...
I think this picture says everything. And it's terrifying. It's of President Trump (gulp) yelling at the Australian Prime Minister who he apparently thinks made a "good deal" for his shitty little country and is laughing at us for being fools and now Trump's gonna reneg on the "bad deal" for America and show him what's what.

He is treating the rest of the world like a bunch of painting contractors he's going to stiff now that they've done the work. Let 'em sue, amirite?

Toeing The Kremlin Line

Model Legislation: The War On Women's Health

Shakezula looks at something Republicans (other than that one guy) are newly are up to; on the state level, where they get to test these things out. Here, it's Arkansas, where,
The "Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act," signed into law last week by Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R), bans dilation and evacuation procedures, in which the physician removes the fetus from the womb with surgical tools. D&E procedures are the safest and most common way women can end their pregnancies after 14 weeks of gestation, according to the American Medical Association.
The ban on D&E pairs well with the fact that Arkansas already makes it difficult for women to receive a abortion during the first trimester.

The law, HB1032, defines an unborn child as "an individual organism of the species Homo sapiens from fertilization until live birth" at which point the sort of people who pass these bills cease to give a fuck and – because lines are never blurred enough for the GOP – a woman as "a female human being whether or not she has reached the age of majority."

The law also intimidates abortion providers by allowing people to sue the doctor who performs or attempts to perform a D&E unless it was required to save the pregnant woman or girl’s life: The person seeking the abortion, the husband of the person seeking the abortion or parents of a minor seeking an abortion. I don't know how many providers in Arkansas perform D&E, but once this law goes into effect they're going to be swamped by idiots trying to run their own sting operations.

In addition, a patient, the patient's husband/guardian (same difference in The Patriarchy) or another health care provider of the patient can file an injunction against the provider who intends to perform the abortion.

The woman, the husband and health care providers all have the right to control the woman’s body; if that doesn’t say equality, what does? But it gets worse (of course).
The law states that the husband cannot sue the doctor for money in cases of "criminal conduct" against his wife ― namely, spousal rape ― but he could still sue to block her from having the abortion.
Nothing says law and order like letting violent criminals control their victims.

Civics Lesson

A necessary part of the current threat-and-response cycle...


Nationwide Order

Tonight, federal judge issues temporary restraining order, effective nationwide—
Judge James Robart, a George W. Bush appointee, made his ruling effective immediately on Friday, suggesting that travel restrictions could be lifted straight away. He is expected to issue a full written ruling over the weekend.

With Friends Like These

Anne Laurie, with a small rundown of the opener for dismantling Dodd-Frank. Only to help his nice friends, whose "nice businesses" can't possibly borrow money. It's rough for those plain people, sons of the soil, the people of Goldman and of Sachs...

This, too; and certainly just for starters—
Eric Trump's business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills— When the president-elect's son Eric Trump jetted to Uruguay in early January for a Trump Organization promotional trip, U.S. taxpayers were left footing a bill of nearly $100,000 in hotel rooms for Secret Service and embassy staff.

It was a high-profile jaunt out of the country for Eric, the fresh-faced executive of the Trump Organization who, like his father, pledged to keep the company separate from the presidency. Eric mingled with real estate brokers, dined at an open-air beachfront eatery and spoke to hundreds at an "ultra exclusive" Trump Tower Punta del Este evening party celebrating his visit.

The Uruguayan trip shows how the government is unavoidably entangled with the Trump company as a result of the president's refusal to divest his ownership stake. In this case, government agencies are forced to pay to support business operations that ultimately help to enrich the president himself. Though the Trumps have pledged a division of business and government, they will nevertheless depend on the publicly funded protection granted to the first family as they travel the globe promoting their brand.
Here's one little estimate—



After a hard week of signing stuff...
He headed off to a restful weekend at the Southern Palace—where, at last report, the price of membership had doubled. But "last report" was over a week ago... Perhaps its value has risen more, after his photo op with his "friends," who "can't borrow money" until Dodd-Frank is crushed.

A couple days ago, Clever Sister was browsing articles at STAT. Amid headlines, "Travel ban threatens medical research and access to care in the US, groups warn"; "Trump's Immigration and Travel Ban Causes Confusion, Disruption in Genomics Community"; and stories on criticism of charity fundraisers at Mar al Lago... someone slipped this in—
"With a doctor ensnared in the immigration ban, Cleveland Clinic is still planning fundraiser at The Toupee of Doom resort"

It's Safe To Come Out Now

Out of the woodwork; into the White House... Digby, on a formerly anonymous writer (and "dystopian prophet") who's now joined the team
...the author of some notorious essays written under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus is actually a former George W. Bush speechwriter named Michael Anton, who has now joined the Trump administration as a national security adviser. (Anton's pseudonym apparently refers to a Roman general who sacrificed himself in battle.)
Sample quote from his oeuvre—
"The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle."
As you can see, "Third World foreigners" and the "left" are not traditionally American in his view. Their children are being spawned for the purpose of forming a permanent class of rulers dedicated to oppressing the white and native-born "real" Americans who have the only legitimate claim to the country. Anton passionately declared, "I want my party to live. I want my country to live. I want my people to live."