
Carrot And Carrot

Pat Bagley: "Reason Trump is most despised person in America is only because Jason Chaffetz lacks name recognition"

Last week, smacked down by Utahans, over attempted fire sale of public lands. Yesterday was the alt move
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), met with President Donald Trump for the first time Tuesday and instead of asking the president to release his tax returns or address his glaring conflicts of interest, Chaffetz asked that the White House defy existing law to undo protections for a national monument in Utah.

After the meeting, Chaffetz told reporters that Trump made it clear there would be "no oversight talk" during their conversation. Although Democrats on the committee have called for an investigation into Trump's business dealings, Chaffetz instead took the opportunity to bring up his opposition to the Bears Ears national monument in Utah "as subject number one."
Of course, "no oversight talk" yesterday; or ever.

Chaffetz sure has latched onto an easy gig. Nor only does he have no oversight to do... (uh, make that: no longer has oversight to do)...
Pat Bagley

This also can't have required any real effort—not this particular pitch. It's a Deal after Trump's heart, with all that land is just sitting there, waiting to be grabbed. And soon, three weeks will be up, and there's an action of Obama's still waiting to be undone.

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