
With Friends Like These

Anne Laurie, with a small rundown of the opener for dismantling Dodd-Frank. Only to help his nice friends, whose "nice businesses" can't possibly borrow money. It's rough for those plain people, sons of the soil, the people of Goldman and of Sachs...

This, too; and certainly just for starters—
Eric Trump's business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills— When the president-elect's son Eric Trump jetted to Uruguay in early January for a Trump Organization promotional trip, U.S. taxpayers were left footing a bill of nearly $100,000 in hotel rooms for Secret Service and embassy staff.

It was a high-profile jaunt out of the country for Eric, the fresh-faced executive of the Trump Organization who, like his father, pledged to keep the company separate from the presidency. Eric mingled with real estate brokers, dined at an open-air beachfront eatery and spoke to hundreds at an "ultra exclusive" Trump Tower Punta del Este evening party celebrating his visit.

The Uruguayan trip shows how the government is unavoidably entangled with the Trump company as a result of the president's refusal to divest his ownership stake. In this case, government agencies are forced to pay to support business operations that ultimately help to enrich the president himself. Though the Trumps have pledged a division of business and government, they will nevertheless depend on the publicly funded protection granted to the first family as they travel the globe promoting their brand.
Here's one little estimate—


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