
At Home And Abroad

Just two weeks in... Fintan O'Toole in The Irish Times, Welcome to Trumperica: Donald Trump's chaotic signing of grandiose orders has the air of a deluded despot's last days, not his first

Digby, on alienating Australians, and pretty much everyone else: It's Trump's hands against the world
He doesn't need no stinkin' allies. He's going to make the military so yuge and so strong that nobody will ever mess with us. We run this planet and the rest of these little wannabe countries had better understand it right quick.

That's what Trump was selling folks, not isolationism. ... just like his followers he's a selfish, bastard who doesn't understand that there's such a thing as win-win. The world is zero sum to these people --- America, white people, Trump voters are on top. Everyone else can crawl for scraps. But they have nothing to say about it.
It's not just refugees that are targets of fuhrer-loving airport rent-a-cops: Norwegian former PM was detained for questioning, over a 2014 trip to Iran seen in his diplomatic passport.

Digby, two days ago ...
I think this picture says everything. And it's terrifying. It's of President Trump (gulp) yelling at the Australian Prime Minister who he apparently thinks made a "good deal" for his shitty little country and is laughing at us for being fools and now Trump's gonna reneg on the "bad deal" for America and show him what's what.

He is treating the rest of the world like a bunch of painting contractors he's going to stiff now that they've done the work. Let 'em sue, amirite?

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