

Shakezula posts a great read, in full; here's one choice part—
Even with the usual and necessary warnings about the potential for Republican huggery, muggery and thuggery, I think the Business Insider's portrayal of today's events is spot on.

GOP leadership pulled the American Health Care Act from what looked almost certain to be a failed floor vote Friday, in a blow to President Donald Trump's agenda and House Speaker Paul Ryan's leadership of his caucus.

The move came as it became clear that Republicans did not have enough votes to pass their bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The GOP had seven years to come up with a plan that could baffle enough people with bullshit, a clear majority in the House and a president who may have mentioned his ability to make deals one or twice. Yet chest beating and posturing was followed by scrambling and gibbering and then: They. Choked.

More accurately, they engaged in a heavy bout of auto-asphyxiation.
icing on the cake: Trump's promise of revenge, which will surely include Paul Ryan.

All in all, a day that inspires one to dream big...

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