
Nixon = Piker

That entire thread is something...
Eric Garland‏...
Oh, by the way, Happy Women's Day from POTUS.

Brian Thamm‏...
...although this could be to ensure his name is not used to run prostitution and massage parlors?

Eric Garland...
@BrianThamm An interesting theory. We could discuss it, but he was supposed to divest himself, and then didn't. These are but details.

Brian Thamm‏...
@ericgarland This is not normal, but also not all that surprising. He said that he didn't have to divest himself - rules didn't apply.

Eric Garland...‏
@BrianThamm Hey, once you've discarded law and tradition, why not your own brand of escort services? Why not, I ask!

Jim Colbert...‏
...So there is a happy ending to this Trump story.

Steven Ehrlich‏...

bren goode‏...
...his grandfather started the family fortune with brothels so DJT just continues family business !

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