
Bringing Good Things To Life?

State of the Union:

Unimaginable wealth for the few.

For the rest, something like Dickensian conditions—just with added technology. Which allows the bosses to constantly demand more of those whose jobs have not yet been exported.

Jack Welch's global war on workers led to rocketing share prices, which made him the "Most Admired CEO of the Century."

WPA poster, as revised by Micah Ian Wright
Propaganda Remix Project

Welch was followed at GE by this guy.

In the bipartisan corporate ideology of the last thirty years: Immelt's experience in demonstrating that ordinary Americans are too soft if they expect to earn a living wage and work under reasonable conditions makes him eminently qualified to fill us in on "Competitiveness."

If one company were to be singled out for doing the most to ruin this country, GE would be my pick.

There's the whole web of military, media, and financial industry involvement.

Reagan's political career was a creation of GE.

Someday, perhaps someone will combine it all into a Pynchonesque tale.

That would have to be a lot funnier than actually living with the product of it all.

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