
Reagan: A Primer

Ronnie lived in a world of make-believe.

He played dress-up every day.

One day, dress-up time came to an end.

But Ronnie did not feel sad.

Instead of playing dress-up, now he told stories.


Ronnie liked telling stories.

He traveled to many places, telling stories to anyone who would listen.

Some important people, in important places, heard his stories and liked them.

The important people decided to help Ronnie.

They helped him and helped him, until he became Governor of the State of California.

Now, he could tell stories to everyone in California.

And his friends helped him go to other states, to tell more stories.

Ronnie went many states, and told many stories to many people, until he became President of all the states.

Now he was very happy, because he could tell stories to more people than ever.

Still, there were some things that made Ronnie unhappy.

Something that made him unhappy was called a Labor Union.

And the worst union of all was for people called Air Traffic Controllers.

Ronnie wanted to do something about the Air Traffic Controllers.

So, he took away their jobs — when their jobs were gone, there was no more union!

Ronnie had to fix many things that made him unhappy.

Spending money on some things, like mental hospitals, made him unhappy.

So Ronnie said, "I will take away the money, and then the mental hospitals will have to close!

And so they did.

When the mental hospitals closed, the people who lived in them had to go away.

Now they became Homeless People.

Ronnie was President for eight whole years. He had lots of time to fix many, many things that made him unhappy.

When he stopped being President, new Presidents wanted to fix things, too.

Republican Presidents wanted to fix things.

Democratic Presidents wanted to fix things.

Things called Social Safety Net, and, The American Middle Class.

By the time all the Presidents were through fixing things, even the kind old glassmaker's job had gone far, far away.

Yes, the glassmaker's job went all the way to China.

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