
The Same Old Story

He was only a lone nut.

There is no obstacle to lone nuts arming themselves with weaponry for mass murder, including a 9-year old victim.

They've got the firepower.

And the will; the 24/7 hate broadcasting is beamed directly at them.

Palin, has quite literally been pinning targets on Democrats. Including Congresswoman Giffords, whose office was vandalized after her health care vote, and who tried calling out Palin for her inflammatory actions.

The "respectable" media pretends there are no connections among these things.

And gives the airwaves over to a combination of false equivalency and the Right's usual screeching that they are the victims.

The same old, sickening story, over and over.

Driftglass, as always, has this right.

As well as this, on the media narrative established via the Sunday pundit shows:
... no mention of the fact that Right's interlocking political/media/religious keiretsu has been a massive paint-shaker for Crazy for as long as anyone can remember: when they need a few more votes or a few more dollars, they notch it up; when someone takes them up on their elimination rhetoric and blows up a federal building or flies a plane into an IRS office or murders a doctor, they dial it back a little and pretend they have no idea where anyone could have gotten such ideas.
If there were any interest in making connections, we might ask:
Who was it that, with his "most frightening words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'" schtick, kicked off three decades of continually escalating anti-government rhetoric?

Who was responsible for decimating mental health funding?

As well as doing his bit to prevent our having universal health care?

If those two basic services weren't kept in short supply, they just might be means of preventing persons showing disturbed behavior from turning into lone nuts.

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