
Local News

Newspaper office. Tombstone, Arizona.
Russell Lee, 1940
Library of Congress FSA/OWI Archive
With local papers being killed off
(as happened in our town), Clever Sister often brings it up: thanks to the

homogenized national media fare—glorification of celebrities and all manifestations of corporate will—we're in danger of being in the dark, even about events very close to home. And the existence of local outlets for anything like whistleblowing is a questionable proposition in many places.

With the media's starstruck coverage of the manly Republican takeover of the House—and the gushing over bold moves to repeal "Obamacare"—I guess if you live in California and are in a Blue Shield plan, you might notice the latest attempt to jack up rates "as much as 59% for individuals."

And with one of Southern California's finest crooks finally getting his big national platform, this group of Californians is trying to get the word out.

For that matter: "Obamacare"..."government takeover"... "death panels"... A local story from Arizona, about more paragons—the Jan Brewer/Republican state legislature: a very real death panel.

There is no global climate change.

Only more local stories: birds dropping from the sky and fish washing up dead, at locations world-wide.

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