

On this date, fifty years ago—

Happy anniversary
Comrade Gagarin!

Too bad about the Russkies winning the space race...

But, there you have it: a noted expert says so.

Also on this date, in 1945: the death of FDR.

Now there's someone else who prompted a race.

Although that race has been quite one-sided: organized by an ideology out to bury the New Deal's accomplishments, under the pretense of being something else.

The race started long ago; picked up speed here; and now rushes toward a bi-partisan finish line.

At this 150-year mark: the South is still winning.

An outstanding podcast, by Driftglass and Blue Gal, connects many dots: GOP race-baiting technique as the source of current current attacks on public employees; anti-miscegenation law as the model of the "alliance between bad Christianity and bad law" [Driftglass] that the Right applies to gay marriage, or any other "wedge"; St. Ronnie's use of racist code to signal his base; and more.

Another April 12, another Equal Pay Day.

The same as last year's, with women still making $.77 to men's $1.00.

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