
What He Hath Wrought

A mere thirty years after Reagan, and the GOP is right on track to its Final Solution.

Round One; Mission Accomplished—
"As Services For Main Street Are Gutted, Richest Pay Lowest Taxes In A Generation."
A rundown of the disgusting budget "deal" here.

In the context of the current "negotiations," Peterr writes that "It wasn't always like this in DC."

In the initiative Eleanor Roosevelt took after Marian Anderson was prevented from singing at Constitution Hall, we can see that—
Once upon a time, there were folks there who took on entrenched opponents with creativity and passion. And they won.
It's an inspiring story of
... how you negotiate with those who seek to protect the privileges of the few at the expense of the nation. The DAR kept their precious concert hall pure that day, but Eleanor and Marian moved a nation.
I know we have some Democrats who understand how this works; there's just no incentive for the careerists to do anything but run from their base, once donations and votes are in.

The lower-income segment of Republican voters are just as screwed as the rest of us, but the party will never fail to serve its real constituents, as here.

In other late-breaking actions by Republican God: Wisconsin's Miracle of the Missing Votes—discovered in the exact number needed to prevent the recount that was expected.

Votes that materialized after arrival on the scene of the Bush v Gore miracle lawyer.

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