
Once Upon A Time

...a children's book grew lyrical over post-war prosperity:

Now: Swedish corporate giant considers U. S. a source of third-world standard labor.

Not surprising, as our standards allow for workers being subjected to increasingly lowered wages, along with employer intimidation ranging from racial discrimination to union prevention.

This adds to the story with a chart:
IKEA workers in Sweden ... $19/hour
IKEA workers in America ... $8/hour
There's also a paid days off comparison; don't get me started on Swedish workers' annual 5 weeks of freedom...

The vacation, payscale, and conditions: all thanks to those workers' union rights.

At the U.S. factory, conditions are so bad that a Southern workforce is trying to organize.

Well, they need to get over it; this is the greatest of countries - for the One- Percenters.

Meanwhile, the viewing public is free to applaud
... the most visible plutocrat in America... Donald Trump, a man who has made a fetish of his power. What kind of sick mind conceives of a television show built on suspense about which "contestant" he will "fire" next? What sort of masochism builds his viewership? Sadly, I suspect it is based on viewers who identify with Trump, and envy his power over his victims. Don't viewers understand they are the ones being fired in today's America?
But, Roger: that's where our casino Lady Liberty comes in: greeting the huddled masses, yearning to win big.

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