
Sales Jobs

So good for you, doctors recommend them, too!

Another work week over; a new one looming, in a just few hours.

With this worker, like so many of the still-employed, expected to accomplish the impossible: both physically, and in terms of the time constraints imposed by planet earth + frequency of database failures.

Reading a Friday open thread at Sadly, No...

Opening subject: Trump.

Mr. Toad sums it up:
After much dr-, I mean thinking, I've come to the conclusion that D. Trump is fated to be our next President. He embodies all the greatest American qualities: supreme arrogance and self-importance, a "rags-to-riches" back-story which is actually a shrewdly-spun "riches-to-celebrity" back-story, a complete lack of self-consciousness, irony and sense of humor, and a hairpiece for the ages (maybe I should take back that 'sense of humor" crack?). I think we could do worse as a nation, and debatably already have.
Jim writes from Canada, of the inevitable May 2 election result: "Harper makes Mulroney look like FDR."

A commenter agrees, "I fear for Canada"; Thread Bear replies
You could always move south and join us in living the ***New & Improved*** American Dream. Which is, of course, wo[r]king too damn many hours for too damn little pay.
Jim x / another jim adds:
Otherwise known as the American Ream.

It's missing a 'D' like FDR.

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