
Collateral Damage

Clever sister called last night, to let me know about this arrest—not quite two weeks after alerting me to this.

"Smear Campaign Works as Intended," says Shakezula. Yes, there was an arrest—of a (completely non-terrorist white guy) would-be hero, Edgar Maddison Welch. He merely terrorized a restaurant popular with families; no one's been killed yet. Welch traveled from N Carolina, to "self-investigate" the DC restaurant; he fired shots into the floor, expecting to locate the "secret tunnel"... No casualties yet, just continued death threats against restaurant employees and owner, as well as employees and owners of the neighboring businesses.

Alex Jones must be out to surpass the Bill O'Reilly death toll. It's horrible, but a fact of life, for some doctors to know they are targets. O'Reilly's incitement got the predictable result, when it led (a completely non-terrorist white nut) to murder an abortion provider. But that was pre-social media; the drumbeat now is not only 24/7, but in the palm of the hand. And anyone can be made into a target.

Steve M. on Jones' role in spreading this.

Gullible, Trump-loving Real Americans are scary enough.
Edgar Maddison Welch
But it's an entirely new level of terror, to have the inner circle of an incoming government so willing to believe any sort of crap, in service of its political (and family dynasty profit-making) agenda. Think Progress recaps the words of father-son true believers.
Michael G. Flynn
Chief of staff to incoming National Security Advisor
"...runs Flynn Intel Group which provides intelligence services for business and governments."
Michael T. Flynn
incoming National Security Advisor
"...with son Michael G. Flynn, runs Flynn Intel Group which provides intelligence services for business and governments."

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