
Extra Helpings Of Delusion; Hold The Mental Health Care

Three days ago: Florida woman who believes Sandy Hook was a hoax, arrested for threatening the father of a child killed in the 2012 school massacre.

Yesterday, the NYT devoted quite a bit of real estate to letting another threat speak.

Below, I've had to add emphasis—the original is oh-so-genteel, the kid-gloves so soft and soothing as they stroke the interviewee, Edgar Maddison Welch—
...arrested Sunday after firing a gun inside a pizza restaurant in Washington as he investigated false claims in online articles that the pizzeria was at the center of a child sex slave ring, the police said. No one was injured by the gunfire, and Mr. Welch surrendered peacefully. The pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong, had been swept into a conspiracy theory...
The rest is equally awful; arranged under headings, which are italicized below
What was his original plan?
Mr. Welch, the father of two daughters, said he woke up Sunday morning and told his family he had some things to do. He left "Smallsbury," a nickname for his hometown, for the 350-mile drive to Washington with the intention of giving the restaurant a "closer look" and then returning home. He wanted to "shine some light on it." As he made his way to Washington, he felt his "heart breaking over the thought of innocent people suffering." Once he got to the pizzeria, there was an abrupt change of plans. Mr. Welch would not say why he took a military-style assault rifle inside the restaurant and fired it. According to court documents, Mr. Welch said he had come armed to help rescue the children.

What did he think when he discovered there were no children at the pizzeria?
"The intel on this wasn't 100 percent," he said. However, he refused to dismiss outright the claims in the online articles, conceding only that there were no children "inside that dwelling." He also said that child slavery was a worldwide phenomenon.

What was he like?
Mr. Welch was soft-spoken and polite, and said he liked the outdoors....
No commenting open, as the Times offered this apology for its previous elitist failure to understand such fine, upstanding Real Americans.

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