
One Smart Lawyer

Is should be no surprise that Trump names as ambassador to Israel his bankruptcy lawyer (and fellow Putin fan)–
David Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer who represented the president-elect over his failing hotels in Atlantic City, served Trump's advisory team on the Middle East. He has set out a number of hardline positions on Israeli-Palestinian relations, including fervent opposition to the two-state solution and strong support for an undivided Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

He has called President Barack Obama an antisemite and suggested that US Jews who oppose the Israeli occupation of the West Bank are worse than kapos, Nazi-era prisoners who served as concentration camp guards.
An unqualified, belligerent know-nothing to do "diplomacy" in one of the most dangerous parts of the world? A dynamiter after Trump's heart.

But, as Ben Mathis-Lilley says, Friedman helped Trump "pull one of his greatest scams," and that's the kind of thing Trump is likely to reward. Trump must appreciate him as one smart Jew; why not give Friedman a Jewish thing to fuck up?

To put it mildly. Besides consigliere duties, Friedman runs a pro-illegal settlement group—which Jared Kushner's family foundation backs. Nice way of ending any possible U.S. credibility in the region.

On the other hand, Friedman can always help bring on a conflagration. That would surely warm the hearts of Trump-voting evangelicals and Nazis.

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