
Red Dawn

For someone who grew up during the Cold War, the Russian stuff is the hardest to get the head around. The very Russians believed to have hidden subversives under every bed; whose godless communism was the purported reason for U.S. coups and wars abroad, and witch hunts at home.

Suddenly, all ancient history. This successful attack against democracy does explain the American right's infatuation with "leader of the free world" Putin.
 A highway in Montenegro. Photo: Savo Prelevic, AFP/Getty Images
via Hackwackers
Why would Putin refuse to interfere; it was so easy to stop a tough opponent in favor of installing a puppet.
image: Matt Silverman, via New York Crank
When he had not only Comrade Trump...
image: Matt Silverman, via New York Crank
...But the Republican oil money establishment on board.

Actual Bloomberg headline: Russia Applauds Trump Dream Team as Exxon CEO Eyed for State.

Judging from the words in that link, Bloomberg's headline seems to have once been, "Putin Awaits Fantastic Trump Team As Exxon Ally May Head State"

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