
Knowing How To Handle Them

First he courts multiple diplomatic incidents, most worryingly against China. All in a couple days' work, for one who is so industrious about conducting Trump Organization foreign policy.

And it would seem he's merely conducting his company's foreign policy, even if he is not yet officially Biggest Ever CEO of the U.S. Though Steve M., thinks the China "gaffe" was a calculated act, inspired by Bolton and the other hard-liners around Trump.

So after causing all kinds of international tumult, Digby spotted this, from the NYT—
When Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader of the House of Representatives, called Donald J. Trump shortly after the Nov. 8 election, they talked about domestic policy and infrastructure. But when Ms. Pelosi raised the specific subject of women's issues, the president-elect did something unexpected: He handed the phone over to another person in the room — his 35-year-old daughter, Ivanka.
Why do I sense he handed the phone off without a further word? He knows everything about international relations: a simple matter of where the hotels and golf courses should go. Stuff broads care about? "Psst, Ivanka! You talk to the old bag."

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