
The Bigger Draw

January 21. From the capitol...
Washington Post (Photo: Oliver Contrerasa)
...to Antartica...
Photo: Linda Zunas
To San Diego, and 50 residents of a retirement home...
The march was brief: just two laps inside the center. But it was a meaningful statement they hope will reach far beyond the Seacrest Village.
Nice pix from DC's Roy Edroso. The District's ABC station reports 1 million riders, a Saturday record.
If it's only the second largest day ever, that's because of the size of inaugural crowds eight years ago.

From all accounts, there were marches in the reddest of places, including small towns. Some good observations from Erik Loomis
I knew a ton of people at the DC rally. My wife led a group of students from her small college in a tiny rural Pennsylvania town. And this is important. That area is absolutely horrible. I was there shortly before the election and a farm right outside of town had a hand-painted sign stuck to a tree that read "Trump. Vote4Balls." I don't know what could sum up the Trump voter better than this. I wanted to get a picture but I was being eyed warily by the neighbor and even though I'm a square looking white guy driving a Ford, I didn't want to get shot for the picture. And in Shithole, PA, this is a concern. These students simply don't see people on their side except for their professors and some other students. Many of them have never even been to DC, even though it's only a few hours away. I can only imagine how inspired they must be.
Mid-day, in a nearby small town (Clever Sister's pix)...
Good likeness!

...and cars honking approval...

Guy walking around wearing this, with stops for Trump'n'Pooty performing under the Capitol dome...
A couple of hours later, in the larger town up the road...
Yellow sign, left: Don't Tread On My...
Afterwards, the verdict: "Largest protests in US history"...

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