
In the Dead of Night

Pierce, on the stealth overnight "Vote-a-Rama"
...around one o'clock in the morning, the actual mugging occurred, and millions of Americans awoke to the news that their newly acquired healthcare—and the newly acquired peace of mind that came with it—was going up in smoke.
Repealing Obamacare would give 400 of the richest families in America a tax cut worth an average of $7 million each, even as it yanks health insurance away from low- and middle-income Americans.
Meanwhile, the total revenue loss from giving a tax cut to those 400 families comes to $2.8 billion a year. According to the center, that's about what it costs to finance tax credits for 800,000 people living in the District of Columbia and 20 of the smallest states.
The GOP has had to make haste, what with all those children and chronically ill people to be thrown to the wolves.

Or, should that be, thrown to the death panels...

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