
Reviews Are In

Had PEEOTUS jokes not forced him to show up yesterday, for the previously scheduled "press conference," Boss Tweet would have canceled this one, too.

No cancellation? No problem; stage managing the event was easy enough. Safe space secured, supplicant journos went to Trump Tower. The place was packed with The Help, who'd been assembled to cheer the boss. Transparent props were also on hand—though strictly hands-off, to journalists.
"Not only are they blank, but if this were my set I would fire the propmaster for lack of realism. They are that fake."
In what seems to have been another unpresidented first, the "press conference" was preceded by warmup speeches from supporting cast members.

The Star's subsequent ramblings (three paragraphs' worth, in the NYT transcript) were full of extraordinary tells ("...I have a no-conflict situation because I'm president, which is — I didn't know about that until about three months ago, but it's a nice thing to have. But I don't want to take advantage of something. I have something that others don't have, Vice President Pence also has it....")

Then Trump interrupted his own riffing on I can run my company plus the country with my hands tied-but I don't want to do that- my sons will run my company and they won't discuss anything with  me... he interrupted himself (or was it an attempt at questioning?) to introduce someone he pays to make this "credible." A previously unseen lawyer (not the lawyer who's never been in Prague). This particular mouthpiece soon was found to be a partner in an award-winning firm...
To that, Adam Khan adds, "Sherri Dillon of Trump's law firm Morgan Lewis forgot to mention Trump + her firm were hit with $1B fraud lawsuit by Holocaust survivors."

Alexey Kovalev's review is in—
A message to my doomed colleagues in the American media

Congratulations, US media! You’ve just covered your first press conference of an authoritarian leader with a massive ego and a deep disdain for your trade and everything you hold dear. We in Russia have been doing it for 12 years now — with a short hiatus when our leader wasn't technically our leader — so quite a few things during Donald Trump's press conference rang my bells....

Vladimir Putin's annual pressers are supposed to be the media event of the year. They are normally held in late December, around Western Christmas time... Which probably explains why Putin's pressers don't get much coverage outside of Russia, except in a relatively narrow niche of Russia-watchers. Putin's pressers are televised live across all Russian TV channels, attended by all kinds of media — federal news agencies, small local publications and foreign reporters based in Moscow — and are supposed to overshadow every other event in Russia or abroad.

These things are carefully choreographed, typically last no less than four hours, and Putin always comes off as an omniscient and benevolent leader tending to a flock of unruly but adoring children. Given that Putin is probably a role model for Trump, it's no surprise that he's apparently taking a page from Putin’s playbook. I have some observations to share with my American colleagues. You're in this for at least another four years, and you'll be dealing with things Russian journalists have endured for almost two decades now. I'm talking about Putin here, but see if you can apply any of the below to your own leader.

Welcome to the era of bullshit.

Facts don't matter. You can't hurt this man with facts or reason. He'll always outmaneuver you. He'll always wriggle out of whatever carefully crafted verbal trap you lay for him. Whatever he says, you won't be able to challenge him. He always comes with a bag of meaningless factoids (Putin likes to drown questions he doesn't like in dull, unverifiable stats, figures and percentages), platitudes, false moral equivalences and straight, undiluted bullshit. He knows it's a one-way communication, not an interview. You can't follow up on your questions or challenge him. So he can throw whatever he wants at you in response, and you'll just have to swallow it. Some journalists will try to preempt this by asking two questions at once, against the protests of their colleagues also vying for attention, but that also won't work: he'll answer the one he thinks is easier, and ignore the other. Others will use this opportunity to go on a long, rambling statement vaguely disguised as a question, but that's also bad tactics. Non-questions invite non-answers. He'll mock you for your nervous stuttering and if you're raising a serious issue, respond with a vague, non-committal statement ("Mr President, what about these horrible human rights abuses in our country?" "Thank you, Miss. This is indeed a very serious issue. Everybody must respect the law. And by the way, don't human rights abuses happen in other countries as well? Next question please").

But your colleagues are there to help you, right? After all, you're all in this together?


Don't expect any camaraderie.

These people are not your partners or brothers in arms. They are your rivals in a fiercely competitive, crashing market and right now the only currency in this market is whatever that man on the stage says. Whoever is lucky to ask a question and be the first to transmit the answer to the outside world wins. Don't expect any solidarity or support from them. If your question is stonewalled/mocked down/ignored, don't expect a rival publication to pick up the banner and follow up on your behalf. It's in this man's best interests to pit you against each other, fighting over artificial scarcities like room space, mic time or, of course, his attention....

Also, some people in the room aren't really there to ask questions.

Expect a lot of sycophancy and soft balls from your "colleagues"...

This man owns you. He understands perfectly well that he is the news. You can't ignore him. You're always playing by his rules — which he can change at any time without any notice. You can't — in Putin's case — campaign to vote him out of office. Your readership is dwindling because ad budgets are shrinking — while his ratings are soaring, and if you want to keep your publication afloat, you'll have to report on everything that man says as soon as he says it, without any analysis or fact-checking, because 1) his fans will not care if he lies to their faces; 2) while you're busy picking his lies apart, he'll spit out another mountain of bullshit and you'll be buried under it.

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