
The Barbarian Conquest, Day 7

So, there is a plan for "American jobs"...

Also, a new graphic representation of "temporary ban" countries...

WaPo reports tonight...
On the morning after Donald Trump's inauguration, acting National Park Service director Michael T. Reynolds received an extraordinary summons: The new president wanted to talk to him.

In a Saturday phone call, Trump personally ordered Reynolds to produce additional photographs of the previous day's crowds on the Mall, according to three individuals who have knowledge of the conversation. The president believed that the photos might prove that the media had lied in reporting that attendance had been no better than average.

Trump also expressed anger over a retweet sent from the agency's account, in which side-by-side photographs showed far fewer people at his swearing-in than had shown up to see Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009.
Now that He owns everything, everyone is a possible target of his rage over his true smallness.

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