
The Barbarian Conquest, Day 6

To date, no FEMA response to the weekend's record tornado damage and death toll, as Trump-voting states "beg" for help.

Though last night, their leader did promise—
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Using quote marks around his own (well, Bannon's) words spoken during Friday's carnage against history and language.

OK, this explains it: History's Greatest Reporter® Bill O'Reilly had targeted Chicago in his 8-9:00 pm slot last night, provoking Twitler to pop off before 9:30.

Then today, the morning ukase: "I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and...." Reporters later found dual-registrations by such mobile, multi-owner types as Steve Bannon, KT McFarland, Steve Mnuchin, and... Tiffany Trump.

So many things to sign, but all in a day's work. A "temporary " ban on visas and immigration from a list of Muslim countries. Despite the religious exclusion, it seems not all Muslim countries made the list...
Ian Bremmer
More executive orders signed... To build The Wall—at taxpayer expense; sky's the limit—and to punish "sanctuary cities." Oh, and there's a leaked report of an order being drafted: to revive black sites and torture.

And then it was on to what He likes even better than watching TV: being on TV.

...Now there's a term never before applied to the Chicago PD. Seems a more likely source of gloves-off pointers, for those running future black sites.

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