
One-Stop Shopping

Marine Le Pen paid a visit to Trump Tower this morning, where she was photographed in the coffee shop.

As reported last month, the Comrades' financing of her campaign had fallen through. It seemed she must have come for some multi-tasking; advice from Bannon combined with a visit to whomever has become money-launderer in residence.

Some other details emerged tonight, in a report from Gideon Resnick
The leader of France's right-wing extremist party was with three other men, including Guido (George) Lombardi. To the reporters on-site, Lombardi described himself as a friend and neighbor of Trump—and nothing more.

This was not an official rendezvous, Lombardi assured them. Just a chit-chat between like-minded people. In December, Lombardi described himself to Politico as a liaison between Trump and far-right parties in Europe.

"I'm in contact with just about everybody," he told Politico. In that same article, the National Front’s American representative, Denis Franceskin, said that Lombardi was a "go-between." "He is part of the [Trump] network."
And during the campaign—
Besides relaying messages from European well-wishers, Lombardi's main role, he said, was to run an unofficial, guerilla-style social media operation that aimed to amplify the candidate's message online. At its height, Lombardi said the operation included sites and Facebook pages for many niche groups of Trump supporters such as "Bikers for Trump," "Latinos for Trump" and "Veterans for Trump."
Or this social media maestro farmed the work out, perhaps to Macedonian teenagers? Politico's photo, that of an elderly fascist, suggests he didn't exactly create the "500 online groups" he claimed to be "curating."

Lombardi told Resnick
... "by coincidence" Le Pen was taking a few days off before her presidential campaign and called [Lombardi] to say that she was coming to New York.
After the call, Lombardi cleared the meeting with Bannon. He also told Resnick that the real business had been conducted the night before the press sighting—
Lombardi told The Daily Beast that he offered to have a party for Le Pen in Trump Tower on Wednesday evening.

"We organized a little drink," he said. "There were about 35 people. International guys. Some that live in the building, some that came from outside. A couple people that came from the United Nations. They wanted to support her candidacy. We had a few drinks and spent a couple of hours together."
Tower Zero for international guys, it would seem.

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